Looking Inward

Selfies are fun and spontaneous, self portraits - a daunting endeavor. I searched my heart, wracked my brain - looked inward and created self portraits that explored different facets of my life during the pandemic.

It was five days into quarantine, I found a way to channel my cabin fever in ways that I not only explored different self expressions but also channel how I felt about the state of the world.

Quarantine began with the pandemic, ended with protests, violence and looting in response to George Floyd death on national television. For a brief moment COVID19 no longer occupied the headlines. ‘Black Lives Matter’, became the forefront and America reminded me of my blackness.

Kambua Chema

I am a Chicago based headshots, portraits, and travel photographer. I love everything photography and sharing my passion as a photography instructor at Chicago Photography Classes is one of the highlight of my week.


The Sky From My Window

